Since Sophia has been able to talk she has called herself "Phia" - I think it's because that's all the hears when I'm telling her very sweetly (ahem) for the eleventy-billionth time NOT to do something soPHIA you are being very NAUGHTY! Or it could be that like most children she has a problem with the S sound at the start of a word....
Well recently I decided we need to tackle this, so on a recurring basis I have been asking her what her name is... she will say "Phia" and I will say "Hello SOphia" she will then say "Sophia" she's getting better at correcting herself without my prompts... well today at bath time, we do our daily recap, things we've done throughout the day, new words we have learnt etc etc -
Me - "what is your name"
Sophia - "Phia",
Me - "Oh hello Sophia"
Sophia - "Yes SOphia, what's your name Mummy?"
Me - Lorraine
Sophia "No it's SO-Mummy_
Me - LOL "OK"
Sophia "What's Odie's name? SO-Odie"
Me - still laughing, "what's Daddy's name?"
Sophia "SO-Daddy"
Me - "What's our friends name?"
Sophia "SO-Bray.... SO-Woody!!!!!"
(Brayden who she was initially going to say, was the Wood to her Jessie at Halloween... SO-cute!)
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