Monday, November 26, 2012

Viva L'Europa!

We really are blessed to live in Europe (I mean JOSH is really blessed to live here, I'm English, EUROPE is what I know) - the past few months we have taken every opportunity to get out at the weekend and see as much as we can - day tripping (45 minutes!) to France for wine and macaroons (yum), visiting Colmar and Eguisheim in the Alsace region (most beautiful town and village in France - FACT) travelling around Germany and this last weekend spending time in The Netherlands exploring the Valkenburg Caves Christmas markets and the surrounding area.
People often ask when we "plan" to head "back" to A-Merica... ummmm the weekend after NEVER. Seriously we plan to visit next year, but as far as anything else goes, I'm not sure that is ever going to happen (please Air Force Gods smile down on us and don't send me there!) Why oh why would we give all this *spreading arms and turning in circles* up? Europe is pretty safe (no hurricanes/tsunamis/recent major earthquakes/tropical storms etc etc) it's a great place to raise children, easy to navigate and travel around, the people are amazing I can go on and on.. Just this weekend, we stayed at a small hotel in Maastricht, during dinner a lady from the restaurant asked Sophia if she wanted to leave her boot by the fireplace, so if St. Klaus happened to visit in the night, he would have a place to leave her gifts.... the next morning we came down to breakfast to find a boot full of sweets, biscuits and toys - where else would you get that treatment, other than Europe?!?
I really have nothing against America, it's a great place to take a holiday, but unlike a lot of "local nationals' I didn't marry Josh so that we could move there.. when I met Josh, I was happy with my life in England and giving that all up to move away was gut wrenching, even more so knowing that the opportunity and assignment may not present itself, and we may never live there again - the people I know, all have to give up their hometowns and lives, when they get stationed in Europe for x number of years, but they all know they will eventually head back to the place they love.. HOME.. so forgive me if I harp on about how great this place is..

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