Saturday, December 1, 2012

Do Something That Scares You Everyday...

I've heard (or seen this written) countless times in self help, proverb based texts/pins/inspirational photos, but who actually does this... who *wants* to be scared everyday? Sure I have days where I do things I find scary (driving to England by myself, going to the dentist, flying - and lets not forget that standing on the scale every morning makes my blood pressure jump just a little) and there are plenty of days where I do an abundance of things I don't like doing.. but none of it is super scary on a daily basis - Yesterday I embraced the crazy scary with MOMS Club and climbed to the tippy top of the rock wall at Outdoor Rec.

When I woke yesterday morning, I was already telling myself that I was going to cancel my plans and stay home, I had a headache, Sophia wasn't feeling 100% and wasn't sure if she was going to school - an hour later I was pushing her into her classroom and starting my day at the commissary, but I still had that thought in the back of my head, the one that says "it's scary, don't go.. stay at home on the sofa." As the day went on, my resolve to NOT go disappeared, the more I discussed it with my friends (who were unsure about going) the more determined I became, not just determined to go, but to get to the actual top!


I was first up the wall, (volunteered by my friend Beth and strapped up to my billet in 10 seconds flat) I just tried to get up there as fast as I could, knowing that once I was at the top I was done and could put my feet on the floor again! Repelling/rebounding down the wall was WAY more fun than going up - once my feet were firmly planted on solid ground I told myself I was done and wouldn't do that again.... but a few minutes later, after the shakes stopped and I recovered my composure (although I'm sure I looked nothing but brave and serene to my friends) I went up AGAIN - a different side of the wall, which I found trickier than the first, but still managed it up the the top to ding the little "bell".

This morning I showed the photos to Sophia, her first question was of course "did you ding the bell" - my brave climber monkey climbed the rock wall a few months back, she got pretty high for a 3 year old, higher than I though I myself would get! She gave me a big beaming smile and patted me on the back...!

Trying to think of something I can do today that might scare me.... I think looking under my bed at all the dust bunnies is a good start!

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