Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Potty Training Day 1 - a.k.a. Mummy Needs WINE!

We are at the end of day one, and it actually has gone quite well, I really don't want to jinx myself, and she totally hasn't really gotten "it" but I'm an not a blubbering wreck in the corner either!
I purchased and downloaded THIS guide, I'm not going to tell you too much about it, if I can cough up the $30 for it, so can you... and right now it's probably the best $30 I have EVER spent!  Sophia spent the day completely naked eating cheetos.. FACT, well it wasn't cheetos but she was naked eating pretzels and popcorn, gummi bears and oreos... best day of her life I am sure... we wait til she starts peeing and then rush to the potty, there are no accidents on day one, it's all "learning" so we had 3 pees this morning, the majority of it making it in to the potty, then one almighty poop (I looked for the signs and put her on the pot, within 2 minutes and 2 stories she had pooped... and she was amazed! LOL) 2 more pees (one completely on the floor because I wasn't fast enough) and 1 completely unprompted completely on the potty! YAY! So not entirely a bad day! I was on her like white on rice, she had 150% of my attention no computer, no phone, no book, just Mummy staring down Sophia ALL.DAY!  Today has taught me that my child is a camel.. she can go hours without peeing, the norm for her apparently is about 1.5hrs... then holy buckets it comes out fast....! Sophia is super exicted when she pees in the pot, taking it and dumping it out into the big toilet and then, flushing and getting to play in the sink while she floods the bathroom "washes her hands"
The best part about today, she was so active, skipped her nap and has been alseep in bed since 6:30 yippeeeeeee, I know I will be awake at some absurd time tomorrow... but for tonight it's worth it.... off to catch up on the interwebs and read my guide ready for day 2 of battle!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So-phia, So-Mummy, So-Woody?

Since Sophia has been able to talk she has called herself "Phia" - I think it's because that's all the hears when I'm telling her very sweetly (ahem) for the eleventy-billionth time NOT to do something soPHIA you are being very NAUGHTY! Or it could be that like most children she has a problem with the S sound at the start of a word....

Well recently I decided we need to tackle this, so on a recurring basis I have been asking her what her name is... she will say "Phia" and I will say "Hello SOphia" she will then say "Sophia" she's getting better at correcting herself without my prompts... well today at bath time, we do our daily recap, things we've done throughout the day, new words we have learnt etc etc -
Me - "what is your name"
Sophia - "Phia",
Me - "Oh hello Sophia"
Sophia -  "Yes SOphia, what's your name Mummy?"
Me - Lorraine
Sophia "No it's SO-Mummy_
Me - LOL "OK"
Sophia "What's Odie's name? SO-Odie"
Me - still laughing, "what's Daddy's name?"
Sophia "SO-Daddy"
Me - "What's our friends name?"
Sophia "SO-Bray.... SO-Woody!!!!!"
(Brayden who she was initially going to say, was the Wood to her Jessie at Halloween... SO-cute!)