Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blogging about......blogging?

So I usually blog to update my family and BFFs on my wonderful life and Sophia's daily antics.. BUT since I have seen the majority of my family in the last couple of weeks and they have witnessed Sophia's AWESOME-NESS first hand I find myself thinking.... should I really blog that???? My Answer.... YES!

My child is just out-right funny, I had to answer the "Ages and Stages" 2 year questionnaire for her upcoming well baby appointment and just found myself laughing and laughing... they didn't "ask" me to give examples with each question answered but I thought.. what the heck!  She ticks all the boxes (and quite frankly has been doing these things for a while.... if she wasn't I would be REALLY worried.... but I'm sure there are kids out there approaching 2 that don't talk, or jump or kick a ball.. role play and use a fork, so they are obligated to ask these silly questions)  My favourite ones are definitely related to role playing and imagination:
  • While playing with a doll/stuffed toy does your child pretend to "mother" it, change it's diaper, try to feed it etc... (this particularly made me laugh, since just that morning Sophia was playing with her baby in Nana's room and decided to unpack Nana's new bra and use it to pretend to change baby's diaper, when she realised it was too big for a diaper she swiftly removed baby from the table, threw her on the bed and covered her with the bra/blanket and tell her it was nuh-nights time) I think we can check that box
  • Does your child use random objects and pretend they are other things i.e. a block as a phone? (this morning as we were packing up the hotel room, Sophia was on the bed playing in the covers... she lumped them all together and was building a "snowman" she the proceeded to grab a sheet and climb down from the bed ready to throw the snowball at me.... when I told her it was time to go, and that she couldn't take the "snowball" with her.... she threw it down and nonchalantly shimmied out the room like the last 10 minutes were what every child does when waiting around!  This was after she had been dragging around the room telephone all morning taking her "puppy" for a walk! CHECK BOX!
I lose track of all the stuff she does, I feel like a need to carry a notepad around with me all day so I can write this stuff down so as not to forget!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

We Only Bloody Made it!

I would like to start this post by giving myself a pat on the back, "job well done", Hip Hip Hooray and a "You go girl!" We bloody made it to Nana's house!  After 11 hours, 500 Miles driving, 1 chunnel ride and 1 stop to re-fuel we arrived.. sleep deprived but HAPPY!
I am going to admit that I was absolutely bricking it the whole way to England (the driving in England didn't phase me at all) - I was so scared the whole way to the Chunnel, but it was good thing as the adrenaline kept me awake!
Now I wasn't scared of the actual driving, it was the "What ifs" that had me spooked..
What if Sophia screams the whole way
What if my GPS breaks
What if the truck breaks down
What if I get stopped by the "fake" Belgian police
What if I get to the Chunnel and for some reason they won't let me take the dog...
What if, What if, WHAT IF!

Well luckily none of that stuff happened, we drove some beautiful back roads in Germany (Sophia fell asleep after 30 minutes on the road!) then a straight shot through Belgium to France and Calais.. nothing broke, Sophia slept, the dog got his passport stamped.. the train didn't break down in the tunnel and we MADE IT!

I would very much like to thank the girls who kept me company along the way... Sheryl Crow, Alanis Morrisset, Gwen Steffani and the Dixie Chicks.. couldn't have done it without you!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Rant

I do solemnly declare that I shall only RANT on a Sunday - this may mean that I save up a weeks worth of ranting and let it all out each Sunday, you have been forewarned - be prepared.  This does not mean that you can expect happy happy, shiny shiny posts throughout the week, there may be some moaning or bitching.. but Sundays are reserved for RANTING!

Let me pre-face today's rant by saying "I GET IT" I get that you are out of your comfort zone and you miss the convenience of home and the 24hour society that is the USA. You miss your friends and family, your local hang outs and life as you know it... I get it.. I am overseas, away from the family and friends, and yes I may moan and get homesick, but I approach my life abroad with an open mind and open heart...

I am going to use RAF Lakenheath and the country of England as my example, not only is this my home country, but it is the place the spawned today's rant, after I read a blood boiling post on written by an arrogant and ignorant American!

I hate it when an unfortunately large amount of Americans (not all of you...!) stationed overseas say to host country locals surrounding the bases "you wouldn't have a job if it weren't for us" or "the locals just rip Americans off." Now they may not say it to peoples faces, instead they like to hide behind message boards and anonymous forums, or joke about it amongst their friends.  But the point is they STILL say it, and people like me read or hear about it.  (Please note these are the same people who say they are afraid to shop off base, or don't like to drive too far, and live on base.. so how exactly is it that locals wouldn't have jobs if you weren't there?)

YES it is true that American bases in England generate a lot of jobs, but let me clarify, if Americans weren't at these bases, the English military would be..  just like they are at Honnington, Coltishal and other surrounding RAF bases.  With the Brits drawing down in many countries and pulling back their personnel who are stationed in countries like Germany, I'm sure they would LOVE to have a installation to put them.  The people who work for the MoD on RAFL would work for the MoD regardless, not just because the Americans are there..

I worked on the "the economy" before I worked for the MoD and then again after, the people I worked for after (living in Suffolk)  were no way affiliated with the base, their jobs were no way part of the American sector.. they didn't "know" any Americans other than my husband and had NEVER been on base.. yet they lived 5 minutes away from a base housing area.. they really couldn't give a flying F about the Americans in the local area..

Not all English people make it their sole goal in life to "rip Americans off" - people complain that it is so expensive to shop off base.... and that the 4th of July vendors on base should have lowered their costs because Americans get paid in $ therefore should be able to pay in $... let me tell you this... fairgrounds are expensive wherever you go.. go to a fair when there is one in Mildenhall or Thetford and you will see the exact same prices to ride the rides and eat the food.. they do not put their prices up because they come on base... However when there is a bazaar.. YES the prices are inflated.... but this isn't just in England .. it happens at the Bazaars here in Germany... and the vendors do it (just like AAFES do.. but don't get me started on AAFES!) because they KNOW Americans will pay for it.. instead of driving a hour away and shopping there for 1/2 the price... it's called convenience and that's what you are paying for!
You are paid COLA to offset the cost of living overseas ... it is not to cover everything it is there to help.. hence those wonderful COLA surveys they send out for you to plug in all your off base expenses..
Even the English think things are expensive.. but I can guarantee if you shopped at Sainsburys, Tesco or Asda you will see prices are comparable if not cheaper than the commissary, stuff is fresher, local and often better quality... but people don't because they are unsure what brands are "good" - just ask! You won't see the average Brit eating out every week.. or even once a pay day.. the younger society maybe, but that is because they don't own a house or a car and have the disposable income to do so. Those with a mortgage, children and a car rarely enjoy the luxury that is a restaurant meal...!

If you budget your money and live within your means, instead of living a champagne life on a beer budget, you might find it a little easier to cope..

The only place I think that would suffer if the Americans pulled out is Lajes Field, Portugal.  BUT they would recover in no time, because some other country would take over the base.  And I only say they might suffer because unlike England, the Portuguese who officially work on base are allowed to shop at the BX and shoppette, and bring a lot of family members on to shop, and items from the commissary and BX can be found downtown for purchase.. and a lot of local nationals are working as cleaners/Nanny's/gardeners in base housing. Plus with the amount of money spent by Americans renting houses and at restaurants, bars and strip clubs on the island the economy would take a nose dive if "they" left.. but then on the other side, on a island that small, there are STILL families that have NOTHING to do with the base and live their life as they always have and always will.. I loved to see the dairy farmers with their cows and the pony and traps riding down the road.. absolutely oblivious to the Air Base's presence.

NOW - Drive an hour away from your assigned installation, go eat the GREAT local cuisine (ask the people of the town, they often know the best places), go immerse yourself in the culture and the history, go see or do something entertaining, go for a long walk around the area and TALK, talk to someone, anyone who lives there AND then tell me that they hate you, that they were rude, that they tried to rip you off and that their job would be gone and the economy will crash if you (the US) leave England!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Up & Running

I figured while I'm not feeling 100% (& S is entertained with her eleventy-millionth episode of MM) I'd start work on a new blog.. I know how much you have all missed the snapshot into my daily life with S! FB is great, but I can't really go into huge detail.. hence the BLOG!  Stay tuned for a mass update coming your way soon!